Friday, April 26, 2013

Are you an Eagle Scout?

I had the great privilege to be invited to attend an Eagle Scout Court of Honor this evening. My sons were in cub scouts, but none ever crossed the bridge into boy scouts. So although I have heard it is quite the tumultuous amount of work to achieve Eagle Scout, it is not a part of my experience.

There was a small gathering of relatives, a state representative, (who had achieved the rank of Eagle in his youth), parents of other Eagle Scouts, the Eagle inductees first grade teacher, friends of the family and myself. The ceremony was a serious blend of patriotism and service to the community. Candles were lit to represent the colors and meanings of our flag. (That's twice this week that the flag color topic has come up.) Our local judge read us the statistics on Eagle Scouts, only 2% of those who start out as boy scouts ever achieve the rank of Eagle. 
The scoutmaster, a 19 year veteran of the scouts, administered the oath. He let us know that in his 19 years, this was his 10th Eagle Scout. He stated, "Most boy scouts achieve the rank of Life, the one just below Eagle, and then cars, girls and the Eagle Scout project get in the way." The new Eagle Scout pledged to uphold the values of the rank of Eagle Scout and be a valuable asset to the community. A pledge I'm sure that was not taken lightly considering the hard work that went into earning this new rank. The new Eagle was pinned, his parents were pinned, pictures were taken and then we all went and ate cake.

I know the seasoned business owners out there have noticed the similarities between achieving Eagle Scout and achieving a top rank in your business. Only 1-2% ever make it to the top dollar range, no matter what company we are talking about.
Many make a pledge to do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, to achieve that rank and then kids, jobs and that one more phone call, get in the way and they are left at the "Life" level. It was mentioned that without parental support and encouragement (this means nagging) no one would achieve Eagle Scout. Same with your business. Without a strong support team and some accountability partners, no one makes it to the top.

The sad news for Life Scouts is, after 18 they can never go for Eagle again. The good news for business owners, you can wake up tomorrow and decide to soar. Click here to work with me personally.

See you at the top.

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